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Home Health 5 People Should Not Drink Buttermilk | Who Should not Drink Buttermilk

5 People Should Not Drink Buttermilk | Who Should not Drink Buttermilk

Health Tips: 5 People Should Not Drink Buttermilk | Who Should not Drink Buttermilk

Buttermilk is a healthy and nutritious drink. Its consumption is considered very beneficial in summers. It is good for digestion as well as cooling the body. But it can also harm some people.

Buttermilk is a healthy and nutritious drink. Its consumption is considered very beneficial in summers. It is good for digestion as well as cooling the body. The elements found in it are beneficial for your stomach. But do you know that consumption of this drink rich in nutrients can be harmful for some people. Such people should avoid drinking it or consume it in limited quantities. Let us know those people who should be careful while consuming it:
People with lactose intolerance:

People who suffer from lactose intolerance should avoid drinking buttermilk as it contains lactose, which can cause problems like digestion for them.

  1. People with milk allergies:
    People who are allergic to milk or milk products should avoid drinking buttermilk as it is made from milk.
  2. People with kidney problems:
    In some cases, people with kidney problems should drink buttermilk in limited quantities due to its high potassium and phosphorus content.
  3. High blood pressure patients:
    Salt may be added to buttermilk, so people with high blood pressure should be cautious and consume it in limited quantities.
  4. Acidity:
    Some people may have acidity problems due to buttermilk. If this happens, they should avoid drinking buttermilk.
  5. Immunocompromised people:
    People with a weak immune system should avoid consuming dairy products, which may put them at risk of infection.
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