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Home Personal Finance 8th Pay Commission: How much will the fitment factor increase? How much...

8th Pay Commission: How much will the fitment factor increase? How much will salary of government employees increase? Know latest update here

8th Pay Commission: How much will the fitment factor increase? How much will salary of government employees increase? Know the latest update here

8th Pay Commission: At present, the fitment factor of employees is 2.57 percent. On the basis of fitment factor, the revised basic pay is calculated from the old basic pay.

8th Pay Commission: After the announcement of the formation of the 8th Pay Commission, now lakhs of central employees and pensioners are waiting for its implementation. It is reported that it can be implemented from January 1, 2026, because the tenure of the 7th Pay Commission is going to end on December 31, 2025. Preparations can start for this from April 2025.

If for any reason there is a delay in implementing the 8th Pay Commission, then the central government will pay the arrears from January 1, 2026. Its benefit will be available to 50 lakh central employees and 65 lakh pensioners. What will be the fitment factor after the implementation of the 8th Pay Commission and how much will be the increase in salary pension. Let’s know more details about this…………

Effect on fitment factor and salary?

  • Under the 7th Pay Commission, the fitment factor was set at 2.57, which increased the salary by an average of 23.55%, i.e. the minimum basic salary increased from Rs 7,000 to Rs 18,000. Thus, after adding DA, house rent allowance and transport allowance, the total salary was Rs 36,020.
  • It is likely that the fitment factor in the 8th Pay Commission may be between 2.28 to 2.86, which may increase the salary by 40-50%. The minimum basic salary will increase from Rs 18,000 to Rs 51,480.
  • If the fitment factor is less than this, i.e. 1.92, then the salary will increase by at least 92% and it will increase from Rs 18,000 to Rs 34,560.
  • According to JCM-NC Secretary Shiv Gopal Mishra, the fitment factor should be at least 2.57 or even more. If the fitment factor of 2.57 is implemented in the 8th Pay Commission, then the salary of government employees will increase by about 157%. After this, the salary will increase from Rs 18,000 to Rs 46,260 per month. The minimum pension will increase from Rs 9,000 to Rs 23,130 per month.

Why is it important to focus on the fitment factor?

The fitment factor is considered to play an important role in deciding the basic salary of central employees. Due to this factor, the salary of central employees increases by more than two and a half times. Currently, the fitment factor of employees is 2.57 percent. The calculation of revised basic pay from the old basic pay is done on the basis of the fitment factor.

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