If you have lost or misplaced your Aadhaar card, you need not worry. The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has made provisions for Aadhaar card holders to order a reprint of the Aadhaar letter. Aadhaar card is mandatory for various official purposes like filing income tax returns (ITR), getting a PAN card or to avail benefits of any government scheme.
If you lost your Aadhaar, no need to worry. Just #OrderAadhaarReprint from: https://t.co/27Oy8XumyS. With a nominal payment (online payment ONLY) of Rs. 50, you get a reprinted copy of your Aadhaar delivered to your address within 15 days via Speed Post.@IndiaPostOffice pic.twitter.com/JfbesNKLWX
— Aadhaar (@UIDAI) September 25, 2019
An individual can get another copy of Aadhaar card from the official website of UIDAI by providing the enrollment number mentioned in the acknowledgement slip provided at the time of enrolling for the Aadhaar card.
Here is how you can get your duplicate copy of Aadhaar card in case you have lost one:
1) Log-in to the official UIDAI website.
2) Click on the ‘Order Aadhaar Reprint’ option.
3) Enter your Aadhaar Number (UID) or Enrollment ID (EID).
4) Type in the security code as displayed on the screen and click on the ‘Get OTP’ button.
5) An OTP will be sent to the person’s registered mobile number/e-mail address.
6) Input the OTP received on the mobile number and click on the ‘Verify OTP’ button.
7) The page will redirect to a payment gateway where you have to make a payment of ₹50 (inclusive of GST & speed post charges).
8) After successful payment, your Aadhaar card will be printed and sent to you via Speed Post within 15 days.