Aadhar is one of the most important documents for any person in today’s time. You need Aadhaar to avail any kind of facilities or services. Whether you have to get LPG connection loan, take advantage of any government facility or any other work like this, we have to provide Aadhaar.
Many times it happens when the mobile number which we have updated in Aadhaar, that number gets switched off or gets lost. In such a situation, we have to face problems. Because, while taking advantage of many facilities related to Aadhaar, OTP is received on the mobile number linked with Aadhaar. You can update your number with Aadhaar through both online or offline modes.
Apart from this, if you want, you can also update your mobile number with Aadhaar with the help of postman or Gramin Dak Seva. Indian Post Payment Bank has shared this information in a tweet.
Indian Post Payment Bank has written in its tweet that, “Get your mobile number updated in your Aadhaar with the help of local postman / Gramin Dak Sevak. Service charges applicable.”
Apart from this, it has also been given in the tweet that, we can take advantage of many facilities only from the mobile number linked on Aadhaar. For example, through this, we can update name, date of birth, gender (gender), and address in Aadhaar online. You can register yourself in many government welfare schemes.
Apart from this, one country can also take advantage of one ration card scheme. You can take RTO service for driving license. Apart from this, by updating the number on Aadhaar, we can also avail services like EPFO ​​related services and e-filing of income tax.
For this you have to go to your nearest post office, or contact your local postman.