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Apple iPhone voice phishing scam alert! What users should know about new threat to their privacy


As per TechCrunch, a new voice phishing scam has been surfaced which targets iPhone users by making phone calls in which the number appears to be from Apple Support.

You should double check the authenticity if someone calls you and asks your personal details on an Apple iPhone. As per TechCrunch, a new voice phishing scam has been surfaced which targets iPhone users by making phone calls in which the number appears to be from Apple Support. As per the report, Jody Westby, an iPhone user received a call from Apple Support asking for a call back from her. The incoming call phone number appeared to be coming from Apple Inc.

When Jody called back, the automated system answered followed by a man which inquired the reason for the call. Later, when she informed that she was alerted about a breach at Apple and was asked to call on the support number, the call was again disconnected after a brief moment.

As per ANI, the call was yet another case of a phishing scam to extract personal or financial information from users. The Apple users are particularly alerted as the number from which the call came claimed to be from Apple support centre. It is advisable to the users to not to reveal any important details and be alert when they receive any call from any unknown number.

As per an IANS report, Apple had recently issued an apology to its users in China, addressing the recent phishing scam which led to unauthorised App Store purchases with stolen Apple IDs. “We are deeply apologetic about the inconvenience caused to our customers by these phishing scams,” Engadget quoted Apple as saying on Tuesday.

Phishing is the fraudulent attempt to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details by disguising as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication. The Chinese users who had connected their Apple accounts to mobile payment systems Alipay and WeChat Pay suffered from the scam.

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