New Delhi. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is going to give a gift to the farmers with the beginning of the new year on January 1. The government has announced the date of the tenth installment of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM Kisan 10th Installment). PM Modi will release the installment under PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana (PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojna) at 12 noon on January 1, 2022.
Message sent to farmers
In this regard, the beneficiary farmers have been informed through message. According to the message, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will release the installment under PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana at 12 noon on January 1, 2022. Along with this, it has also been said in the message that on this day Prime Minister Modi will also release equity grants to farmer producer organizations. You can connect with this program through Doordarshan or
Money will not be available without e-KYC
The beneficiary farmers of PM Kisan Yojana will get the 10th installment (10th installment money) only after they complete the e-KYC. The government has made it mandatory to complete this process in this scheme. In other words, if you do not do e-KYC then your 10th installment may get stuck.
Know what is the process of e-KYC
- First of all you go to portal.
- Many types of tabs will appear on the right side. At the top you will find e-KYC written. Click on it.
- After that fill the details asked for. The e-KYC process will be completed.
Which farmers will get Rs 4000?
Let us tell you that the farmers who have not yet got the benefit of the 9th installment, then the money of two installments will come together in the accounts of those people i.e. 4000 rupees will be transferred in their account. But let us tell you that this facility will be available only to those farmers who have registered before 30 September.
Check your name in the list like this
- First of all go to the official website of PM Kisan Yojana
- On the homepage, you will see the option of Farmers Corner.
- Click on the Beneficiaries List option in the Farmers Corner section.
- Then select the state, district, sub-district, block and village from the drop down list.
- Click on Get Report. After this the complete list will come. In this you can see your name.