Cheapest Personal Loan: If you are thinking of taking a personal loan, then this news is for you. Many banks in the market are offering personal loans at attractive interest rates. Below is a list of top-5 banks, which are providing personal loan facility at affordable rates.
HDFC Bank is offering personal loan at an initial interest rate of 10.85%. This rate is attractive for those customers who want to repay the loan with low EMI.
ICICI Bank is also offering personal loan at a minimum interest rate of 10.85%. This bank is known for its fast processing and better customer service.
Indian Bank
Indian Bank is providing loan at an interest rate between 10.85% to 16.10%. Being a government bank, it is a reliable option among the customers.
Canara Bank
Canara Bank’s interest rates range from 10.95% to 16.40%. This bank is known for its fast processing and better customer service.
IDFC Bank is offering personal loans at interest rates ranging from 10.99% to 23.99%. Although its rates are a bit higher, this bank offers flexible payment options.