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China’s black handiwork caught in satellite image, lie was caught

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Singapore / New Delhi (Reuters). e Chinese soldiers would have been to block the river route with its help.The layers of violent incident that occurred on the night of 15–16 June in the Galvan Valley have now started to erupt. China’s ingenuity and its lies are also coming to the fore. Pictures from the satellite have exposed this lie of China. One can easily see the changes in these images from the satellite between 9 June 2020 and 16 June 2020. These pictures are evidence of how the Chinese soldiers entered the Indian border with heavy machinery and then scrambled with the Indian troops on refusal. From the machinery seen in these paintings, it is speculated that the intention of th

This area is at a height of 14 thousand feet 

Before talking about the images from the satellite, let us also tell you that the entire area of ​​Ladakh, including Galvan, is very barren. There are very high and rough mountains here. This area of ​​Galvan is very special because Aksai Chin starts from here, which was previously with India but since 1962, China has been illegally occupied. Ever since the formation of the BJP government at the Center in 2014, India has reiterated its demand to withdraw this part of its territory. Let us tell you that India has a border of about 4056 km from China. The range passes through high mountains, snow-covered glaciers and dense forests to the east. On the night of 15-16 June, the Galvan Valley in which violent clashes between the two armies took place is about 14000 feet above the sea. Even in the month of June, the temperature here is very low at night. In winter, the temperature here goes up to -20.

Pictures from satellite caught lie

There is already a boundary with agreement between the two countries. Under this, India has been saying that the Chinese soldiers entered the Indian border illegally and then attacked the soldiers with barbed wire on the baton. However, China has been refuting these claims of India in a very vicious manner. Recently, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs gave a statement giving information about the situation and situation of the forces in Galvan, in which Galvan was described as part of China. During this time it was said that Indian soldiers infiltrated the Chinese army first and then attacked. Now this lie is catching the pictures from the satellite. The pictures that are being mentioned here have been taken by Planet Lab and obtained by Reuters.

China changed the construction of the river

Based on these images, experts believe that the changes in the Galvan valley can be clearly seen. It also shows the track made for machinery and the arrangements made to cross the river. The changes can be seen on the dry and barren mountains. Jeffrey Louis, director of the Middlebury Institute of East Asia Nonproliferans Program in California, says that the road created by damming the river can be clearly seen. In these pictures, vehicles are seen standing on either side of the line of actuarial control. Most of these vehicles are seen coming from China. According to him, about 30–40 vehicles are visible from India through photographs, while 100 vehicles are visible from China. Malware of these observation posts can also be seen in satellite images. On the other hand, if we talk about the image taken on June 9 of this area, then somehow

Lie of chinese spokesperson

According to the spokesperson of the Foreign Ministry of China, they were unaware of what happened on the ground, but this much is certain that in recent days, Indian soldiers have entered several places in the border of China. These soldiers were tried to drive away the soldiers of the Chinese army. Significantly, the incident in Galvan since 1967 was the most horrific. Since May, soldiers on the Indian border have been facing infiltration and audacity from China. He also made temporary construction there after entering the Indian border. Due to the removal of these constructions, there was a galvanization incident three days ago. Observation towers, tents were built here from the Chinese side.

Also Read: Galwan Clash: China returns 10 Indian Army personnel after Major General level talks

No bullet fired since 1967

The incident started when the Indian petrol team went to the other side of the ridge to see how far China had shown the ability to penetrate. After this these soldiers came back from there. After this, China had removed some of its tents and some observation posts from India, due to India’s resentment and tough stand. Indian soldiers had broken some of its towers and destroyed the tents as well. According to the agreement, during the incident which happened here three days ago, the soldiers had light weapons. Since 1967, there has been no firing in this entire area. The soldiers on both sides keep their arms behind on the comb before coming here.




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