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Deposit Rs 95 in this wonderful scheme of post office, you will get 14 lakhs in return, know how?

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Pravesh Maurya
Pravesh Maurya
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Post office: Apply daily in the post office Gram Sumangal Rural Postal Life Insurance Scheme (Gram Sumangal Rural Postal Life Insurance) for Rs.95, you will get Rs.14 lakh in return.

New Delhi: Post office schemes are giving bumper returns to investors and there is no risk of any money in it. You get a government guarantee of money. Today we tell you about such a special scheme of the post office, through which you can easily create a fund of Rs 14 lakh. Let us tell you that for Rs 14 lakh, you have to invest only Rs 95 every day. The name of this special scheme of post office is Post Office Gram Sumangal Rural Postal Life Insurance Scheme. Also read: National Pension System: Save Rs 5,400 every month, get Rs 2 crore on retirement

This policy is very beneficial for those people who need money from time to time. So let’s know about this scheme- Also Read: LPG connection will be available without ration card or residence certificate, apply like this

>> Term of this policy is 15 years and 20 years
>> Minimum policy age is 19 years
>> Maximum policy policy age is 45 years
>> Maximum entry age for 20 years policy is 40 years
>> > Any Indian citizen can take advantage of this scheme
>> In this, the maximum sum assured is available up to Rs 20 lakh

Policy Benefits-

1. 15 Years Policy- 20% on completion of 6 years, 9 years and 12 years and 40 with accrued bonus on maturity.
2. 20 Year Policy- 20% on completion of 8 years, 12 years and 16 years and 40% with accrued bonus on maturity. Also Read: Ration card latest update: Add wife and child’s name in Ration Card like this, you will get many big benefits

Know what is the post office plan?

This is an endowment plan of the Post Office, in which you are given money back as well as lump sum money on maturity. Rural Postal Life Insurance Scheme was started by the Government of India in 1995. Under this also comes the Gram Sumangal Scheme. Five more insurance schemes have been offered under this. Also Rrad: Open fixed deposit account with SBI online like this sitting at home, know step-by-step method

How to get 14 lakh rupees? 

Suppose a 25 year old person buys a policy with 7 years sum assured. So his annual premium will come to Rs 32,735. The monthly premium will come to Rs 16,715 and the quarterly premium will be Rs 8449. In this way, the person will have to pay Rs 2853 every month. Meaning about Rs 95 will have to be paid every day as premium. This policy will be for 20 years. You are given Rs 1.4-1.4 lakh as money back in 8th, 12th and 16th year at the rate of 20-20 percent. As soon as 20 years are completed.  Also Read: Good news for SBI farmer customers! Now you can see your Kisan Credit Card Account online on YONO

Talking about bonus, in this scheme, a bonus of Rs 48 per thousand is available every year. The bonus of the sum assured of Rs 7 lakh was Rs 33,600 in a year. For 20 years, this amount became Rs 6.72 lakh. In the 20th year, you will also get the remaining 2.8 lakh rupees. Adding up all the money, you get a total of Rs 19.72 lakh in 20 years.


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