So far, more than 77 lakh workers have registered on the ‘e-Shram’ portal. If you are also a laborer working in the unorganized sector and neither your PF is deducted nor the benefit of ESIC is available. If you are more than 16 years and less than 60 years and do not pay income tax, then apply for e-shram card immediately. You will be entitled to get accident insurance of Rs 2 lakh as soon as you register without spending a single rupee. Apart from this, it has many other benefits.
How to register
First of all go to the portal As soon as you enter the Aadhaar number for registration, all the information of the worker from the database there will automatically be visible on the portal. The person will have to fill other important information including mobile number along with his bank information. This online form can also be updated further.
ई-श्रम पोर्टल पर आप स्वयं भी नामांकन कर सकते हैं। इसके लिए पर जाएं और नीचे दिए गए आसान चरणों का पालन करें।#ShramevJayate
— Ministry of Labour (@LabourMinistry) September 7, 2021
One can either register himself or take the help of Common Service Centers across the country for this. After registration, an e-Shram card will be issued with the Universal Account Number of the individual. For registration, the government has also kept the toll free number 14434, where all the information related to it can be taken. State governments can also register their workers through this portal.
More than 77 lakh workers have been registered on the portal ‘E-Shram’ for the workers of the unorganized sector of the Union Ministry of Labor and Employment. Union Labor and Employment Minister Rameshwar Teli said that various camps are being organized for registration of unorganized workers on e-shram portal. He said that maximum publicity should be given to this portal.
Why this plan came
The Union Minister said that creating a national database of all the unorganized workers would help the government to focus on targeted and last mile delivery of welfare schemes for the unorganized workers. He said that the e-shram portal launched last month is a ‘game changer’. The government is actively cooperating with all the state governments and other stakeholders to register the workers on the portal.
What will be the benefit of registration
- Registration on the portal gives accident insurance of Rs 2 lakh.
- If an employee is registered on the portal and meets with an accident, he/she will be eligible for Rs two lakh on death or permanent disability and Rs one lakh on partial disability.
- On registration, workers will get a universal account number, which will facilitate portability of social security schemes, ration cards, etc., especially for migrant workers.