8th Pay Commission: An important meeting was held recently regarding the salary and allowances of central government employees and pensioners. The National Council Joint Consultative Machinery (NC JCM) Staff Side met the Secretary of the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) and placed their demands related to the 8th Pay Commission. This commission is likely to be implemented from January 2026
8th Pay Commission: An important meeting was held recently regarding the salary and allowances of central government employees and pensioners. The National Council Joint Consultative Machinery (NC JCM) Staff Side met the Secretary of the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) and placed their demands related to the 8th Pay Commission. This commission is likely to be implemented from January 2026, due to which a big change can be seen in the salary and pension of government employees.
Employee Association placed its demand
This is an organization which negotiates with the government on issues related to salary, allowances and pension on behalf of the central government employees. Important issues like Dearness Allowance (DA) and Dearness Relief (DR) were also discussed in this meeting.
Major demands of central employees regarding 8th Pay Commission
- Revised pay scale – Salary, allowances and pension of all government employees, defense and paramilitary forces, rural postal workers etc. should be improved.
- New pay scale should be implemented from 2026 – The new structure of salary and allowances should be implemented from January 1, 2026.
- Minimum minimum salary according to cost of living – Minimum salary should be increased keeping in view the needs of the family and it should be fixed according to the modern lifestyle.
- Lower level pay grades should be merged – Level 1 and 2, Level 3 and 4, and Level 5 and 6 should be merged to reduce pay inequality.
- Promotion opportunities should be increased – By improving MACP, at least 5 promotions should be given to the employees.
- Dearness Allowance (DA) and Dearness Relief (DR) should be linked to the basic salary – so that employees can get relief from inflation.
- Problems of 7th Pay Commission should be solved – anomalies of the last time should be removed.
- Pension and retirement benefits should be improved – Pension should be increased every 5 years and old and new pensioners should get equal benefits.
- Old Pension Scheme (OPS) should be restored – Employees recruited after 1 January 2004 should also get the benefits of the old pension scheme.
- Health services should be improved – The facility of cashless treatment should be increased by improving CGHS i.e. Central Health Scheme.
- Children Education Allowance (CEA) should be increased – It should be implemented up to the level of post graduation.
- There should be a provision of interest-free loan for employees – The interest-free advances which were given earlier should be restarted.
- Risk allowance for railway employees – Railway staff working in difficult conditions should get special risk and hardship allowance.
- Special Allowance for Defense Civilian Employees – Employees who are in contact with weapons, ammunition, dangerous chemicals etc. should be given risk allowance and insurance coverage.
What will be the next step?
NC JCM Staff Side has sent a proposal to the government to include all these demands in the terms and conditions (ToR) of the 8th Pay Commission. Soon a standing committee meeting will be held, in which the final decision will be taken. If the government accepts these recommendations, then from 2026, there will be a big increase in the salary and pension of government employees and pensioners. Government employees across the country are waiting for what decision the government will take on this.