EPFO Changes: If there are two UAN numbers, the balance of all PF accounts is not visible at one place. Apart from this, there may also be a problem in withdrawing money from the PF account. In such a situation, many times the claim is rejected or withdrawal takes a lot of time.
EPFO Changes: The Employees’ Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) is working on the process of issuing a Universal Account Number (UAN) for its members on one basis. Its purpose is to make the process of withdrawing funds from PF easier. This will not cause two UAN numbers if an employee leaves his job or gets another job.
UAN was implemented by EPFO with a very ambitious objective. Under this system, one UAN is issued to the employee. If a member leaves one job and joins another, then he only has to give his UAN number at the new place. After that the amount of the old PF account is transferred to the new account, but it has been seen that two or more UAN numbers are issued in the name of one member. In such a situation, when the employee applies for PF withdrawal, the system does not know from which account he is claiming to withdraw the amount. In such a situation, many times the claim gets rejected or withdrawal takes a lot of time.
If there is already a UAN, then a new number will not be issued. The PF account will also be activated on this UAN. If no UAN has been issued on the basis of the employee, then a new number will be issued. This process will start completely in EPFO 3.0 i.e. the new system. However, last year the system of Aadhaar based one time password was implemented from the number, but now work is going on to make it more advanced, in which only one UAN can be opened on one Aadhaar. After this, people will not have trouble in withdrawing money from the PF account.
Errors occur due to not giving correct information
It has been seen in many cases that if an employee goes from old to new company, then the old UAN number is not given or the new company does not ask for it. Such employees are registered as new members on the EPFO portal, due to which the EPFO IT system issues a new UAN. This allots two or more UANs to the employee. Most employees consider this a normal process. But the problem arises when they withdraw from the PF account or make necessary updates in the account. Their important work gets stuck because having two UAN numbers does not allow the details to be matched and verified.
Option to merge two or more UANs still exists
If an employee has two or more Universal Account Numbers (UANs) linked to his PF account, then he also has the option to merge both of them. According to the rules of the Employees’ Provident Fund Organization (EPFO), a person should have only one UAN at a time. Having two numbers does not benefit from the facilities of EPFO. If an employee is in this situation, then he can avoid many problems by merging both UANs. Application for this can be made both online and offline.
If you have two UANs…
1. As soon as you come to know about it, inform your employer or EPFO.
2. You can send an email to EPFO mentioning your current and previous UAN.
3. EPFO will verify the issue and the previous UAN will be closed. The current number will be kept active.
4. Make sure that you do not forget to claim to transfer your old blocked EPF account to the new account.
Methods of merging
- First of all go to the website of https://www.epfindia.gov.in/. Login with the UAN and password allotted by the current employer.
- Now go to the Services section and click on For Employees. After this a new page will open. Here in Online Services, click on One Member – One EPF Account (Transfer Request).
- Enter the Member ID (which you want to merge) and UAN. Then click on Get OTP and enter the OTP on the registered mobile number. Verify it.
- After accepting the declaration, click on the Submit button. Its information will go to your current employer.
- He will have to get the Request Approved online, after which EPFO will merge your old UAN with the new account.
Offline method
- Form-13 will have to be downloaded from the EPFO website and filled.
- In this form, enter the UAN, Member ID, bank account number, IFSC Code and address of the first PF account. Also enter the details of the second PF account.
- Get the current employer to sign and stamp Form-13. Then submit it to the nearest EPFO office.
If there is no UAN..
If the old employer has not told the UAN to the employee, then the employee will have to contact him. Along with this, EPFO will also have to be informed about this. EPFO can ask for a reply from the old employer on this.
What to do if you have forgotten your old UAN
- First of all go to EPFO website https://unifiedportal-mem.epfindia.gov.in/memberinterface/.
- Go to Important Links shown on the right side and click on Know your UAN.
- Enter your registered mobile number and captcha code and click on Request OTP. Now an OTP will come on your mobile number. After entering OTP and captcha code, click on Validate OTP.
- Now enter full name, date of birth, Aadhaar or PAN number and captcha code and click on Show My UAN. This will show the UAN number on the screen.
These are the problems
- If there are two UAN numbers, the balance of all PF accounts is not visible at one place. Apart from this, there can be problems in withdrawing money from the PF account.
- It can be difficult to transfer the amount from the old account to the new account. This process can be long and complicated, due to which your money can be stuck.
- The correct record of the service period is not made, which can affect the pension benefits. According to the rules, the correct record of the service period is important in calculating the pension.
What is UAN
In the new system, EPFO issues Universal Account Number (UAN) on the lines of PAN number. It is a 12-digit unique permanent number, which remains valid for the EPF member for life. It does not change with a change of employment. On changing the job, only UAN details have to be given to the new employer, due to which a new PF account is not opened. The old account is transferred to the new employer. UAN number helps in automatic transfer of PF funds and withdrawal of money. Apart from this, by having an active valid UAN, employees can also avail the benefit of Employment Linked Incentive (ELI) scheme.
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