New Delhi. Under the social security scheme run by the Employees’ State Insurance Corporation ie ESIC (Employees’ State Insurance Corporation), about 13.37 lakh new members were added in September. This information was given in the official data released on Thursday, which broadly describes the better condition of employment in the organized sector of the country.
The latest figure is part of the report released by the National Statistical Office (NSO). According to the data, the number of new employees joining ESIC stood at 13.37 lakh in September. In August, this figure was 13.42 lakh employees. Earlier in July also 13.40 lakh new employees were associated with the ESIC scheme.
These figures are being seen as a sign of the improving employment scenario of the organized sector in the country. It is a relief to see the improvement in organized employment, especially after the second wave of the Kovid-19 epidemic weakens. NSO prepares its report on the basis of the number of new members joining various social security schemes of ESIC, EPFO ​​and PFRDA.
EPFO added 15.41 lakh new subscribers in September
According to this report, 15.41 lakh new registrations were done with EPFO in the month of September, which is more than 13.60 lakh in August. During September 2017 to September 2021, about 4.71 crore new members have joined the EPF scheme.
However, the NSO is of the view that due to the collection of data from multiple sources, there is scope for duplication in the number of new members.