- KYC details of 52.62 lakh subscribers were updated in April-May.
- Due to KYC update, subscribers can avail online service through member portal
The Employees’ Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) has updated its KYC details of 73.58 lakh subscribers during April-June. This includes Aadhaar linking of 52.12 lakh subscribers, mobile link (UAN activation) of 17.48 lakh subscribers and bank account linking of 17.87 lakhs.
Improved subscribers’ details
EPFO has also updated KYC during lockdown. The names of 9.73 lakh subscribers, dates of birth of 4.18 lakh and Aadhaar number of 7.16 lakh subscribers have been improved in the last 3 months. Due to the KYC update, subscribers can take advantage of the online service through the member portal.
KYC update
PF account holders can update Know Your Customer (KYC) online at Employees Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) online. The Employees Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) has recently allowed subscribers to this. Subscribers can update KYC through EPFO’s online portal. For this you will need UAN.
This is process
The first is to go to the EPFO ​​member portal, epfindia.gov.in.
Login with username and password.
Go to the Manage option in the top menu bar.
From here select the ‘KYC’ option.
A new page will open in which a list of different documents types will be present.
Fill in the document number, name as per the document and other details like IFSC in case of bank details and expiry date in case of passport and driving license.
Now click on save.
The KYC document’s state will appear in the ‘KYC Pending for Approval’ column.
After the documents are verified by the employer, the ‘Digitally Approved KYC’ state will be seen.
An SMS will be received on your registered mobile number.
Advantages of KYC updation: If there is a
KYC update, there is no problem in money transfer or withdrawal. Claim request will be rejected in case KYC is not updated. If you have not submitted KYC documents then the EPF member will not receive any SMS alert.