Flipkart said in the run-up to its annual festive season sales, it expects to have increased the indirect jobs through the seller network by 30 per cent as compared to last year taking it to 6.5 lakh
E-commerce major Flipkart on Tuesday said it has added over 50,000 direct jobs across its supply chain, logistics arm and customer support ahead of the festive season and the Big Billion Days sales.
Flipkart said in the run-up to its annual festive season sales, it expects to have increased the indirect jobs through the seller network by 30 per cent as compared to last year taking it to 6.5 lakh. The annual six-day event begins on September 29.
“The Big Billion Days are designed to add value to the lives of our customers, by providing them with a great selection and an optimum shopping experience during the much-awaited festival season,” said Kalyan Krishnamurthy, CEO at Flipkart Group.
“At Flipkart, however, our aim is to benefit the entire ecosystem with our initiatives and that is exactly what our Big Billion Days aims to do. With new employment opportunities across geographies and the prospect of scaling the sellers’ businesses, we aim to stimulate local industries and foster the creation of a robust economy,” Krishnamurthy said.
The directly employed workforce is spread across the entire supply chain, from Flipkart Wishmasters to personnel in warehouses, mother hubs and delivery hubs.
They have been trained in various aspects of the supply chain including handling hand-held devices, PoS machines, scanners, various mobile applications and ERPs (enterprise resource planning), Flipkart said.
In addition to that, they are also trained in the finer aspects of customer service, delivery and installation, it added.