In Delhi, the petrol price remained the same at Rs 74.13 per litre.
The prices of petrol and diesel remained constant on September 25 after hitting a new high on the previous day. The price of a litre of petrol was Rs 79.79 and diesel Rs 70.37 in Mumbai, according to price information available from Indian Oil Corporation (IOCL).
The fuel price witnessed daily increase from September 17 to September 24, which had taken the cumulative price hike to Rs 2.08 per litre in case of petrol and Rs 1.59 for diesel in eight days.
In Delhi, the petrol price remained the same at Rs 74.13 per litre. The diesel price was Rs 67.07 per litre on September 25, as per the state-owned oil firm.
In other metropolitan cities like Kolkata and Chennai, the price of petrol was Rs 76.82 per litre and Rs 77.06 respectively like the previous day. The diesel price in the two cities also remained the same and sold at Rs 69.49 per litre and Rs 70.91 per litre respectively.