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Home Uncategorized Gold and Silver Buyers Alert! Never keep gold and silver together otherwise...

Gold and Silver Buyers Alert! Never keep gold and silver together otherwise they will get ruined, know the big reason

Gold Price Today: Gold and Silver prices fall, know how much gold and silver became cheaper today

There is a declining trend in the prices of gold and silver. It is believed that further reduction in its price may be seen during the festive season. If you keep your gold and silver jewellery together in the locker then you should read this news. So that you can avoid huge losses.

The decline in gold prices continues. If you are also going to buy gold during the festive season, then this is good news for you. It is believed that further decline in gold prices may be seen in the coming days. This is a matter of good news. Now let us tell you one thing which is very important for you. In fact, it is often seen that women keep gold and silver jewelery together in the cupboard or locker. If you also do this then this news is for you only.

Gold and silver are considered traditional investments in India. That’s why people take special care of it. But do you know what are the disadvantages of keeping gold and silver jewelery together. Actually, silver is a metal whose surface shine reduces with time. Silver is a reactive metal which reacts when it comes in contact with another metal.

This will be the loss if kept together

Where silver is considered a reactive metal. Gold is a non-reactive metal. When these two metals are kept together. So after a long time the silver starts reacting. The tarnish material gradually comes out from it and starts getting applied to the gold. If you have noticed, you must have noticed that if gold and silver are kept together for a long time, the color of your silver starts fading. Actually, the reason for this is that this metal leaves its tarnish and starts sticking to the material kept with it. You might have noticed that over a long period of time a light layer starts appearing on silver jewellery. If this is happening with your jewelery also. So understand that reaction has started between both the metals.

Jewelry will get spoiled

When gold and silver are kept together for a long time, the color of your jewelery starts to fade due to the reaction. This type of damage can spoil your jewellery. And when you go to sell it in the market, you will face problems. Because any shopkeeper buys the jewelery only after checking its purity. At the same time, if you want to give it on loan, then the loan company may refuse you. Why gold loan companies give you loan only after thorough examination of gold and silver. what should be done

If you want to avoid this loss then you should keep some things in mind. For example, if you do not have much space and are forced to keep both of them together. So keep it wrapped in a cloth or packet so that the two metals do not come in direct contact with each other. By doing this the silver will not be able to react with your gold and you will be saved from loss.

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