New update on Gold Hallmarking: If you have old jewellery lying around which does not have hallmarking, then you should get your jewellery marked.
Gold Hallmarking Charges: The festive season has started and jewellery crowd of people at the goldsmith shops has also increased. After the implementation of gold hallmarking rules in the country, now only gold with 6 digit HUID hallmarking is allowed to be sold, in such a situation you have to buy all the jewellery with such hallmarking only. The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has made six-digit ‘alphanumeric’ HUID mandatory for hallmarked gold jewellery from April 1, 2023. Only 6 digit Alphanumeric Hallmarking is valid.
If you have old jewellery lying around which does not have this hallmarking, then you should get your jewellery marked. If you are buying gold this festive season, then definitely take care of your old jewellery also. However, BIS says that despite the hallmarking rules being in force, you can sell your old jewellery.
What is hallmarking charge?
Hallmarking Charges for jewellery – Rs. For gold jewellery Rs.45/- + GST ​​per piece and for silver jewellery Rs.35/- + GST ​​per piece, irrespective of the weight of the jewellery.
The minimum charge for gold consignment is Rs. 200 and for silver it is Rs 150/-.