New Delhi, Tech Desk. Huawei has launched its voice assistant Celia with EMUI 10.1 in the international market including India. Users can activate a voice assistant by pressing the power button for a second or by saying “Hey Celia”. It is an in-house product of Huawei. This feature is available as an integrated part of the company’s service app SUPPORT as well as on the website and is ready to help Indian users anywhere and anytime. .
The AI-powered virtual assistant responds by saying “Hey Celia” and has the ability to answer every field’s questions and consumer questions. This smart assistant is available 24 * 7 and provides a solution from chat to human agent without any delay in processing of new information request. Asking Celia to buy a new phone, it has the ability to address the warranty issue, the device issue, and all the necessary conditions before sending the device for repair.
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