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Home Personal Finance Indian Passport Rule Changed: Big news! Government changed the rules of passport,...

Indian Passport Rule Changed: Big news! Government changed the rules of passport, know the new rules quickly

Indian Passport Rule Changed: Big news! Government changed the rules of passport, know the new rules quickly

Indian Passport Rule Changed: New rules related to passport have come out for people traveling abroad. Passport rules have been amended by the central government.

Indian Passport Rule Changed: Passport is a document that proves the identity and nationality of a person. It is the most important document for foreign travel. With its help, you can travel to other countries for roaming, studying, doing business or for other reasons. Some changes have been made in the passport rules by the Government of India.

Amendment in Passport Rules

The passport rules have been amended by the central government. Under this, for passport applicants born on or after 1 October 2023, the certificate issued by the appropriate authorities will be the only proof of date of birth. This week an official note has been issued to give effect to the amendment in the Passport Rules 1980.

New Passport Rules

The new passport rules will come into force after the amendments are published in the official gazette. Under the new norms, a birth certificate issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Municipal Corporation or any other authority empowered under the Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1969 will be accepted as proof of date of birth for persons born on or after 1 October 2023. Other applicants can submit alternative documents, such as driving license or school leaving certificate, as proof of date of birth.

Indian Passport

Indian passport is an important document issued by the Indian government. Through this, Indians traveling abroad can prove their citizenship. There are 3 types of Indian passports. Regular, official and diplomatic, in which regular passport is available to the common citizen. Official passport is for government officials and diplomats. Diplomatic passport is also called VVIP passport, it is also given to politicians and high government officials. The validity of a regular passport is up to 10 years.

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