The price of railway platform ticket in Mumbai has been increased from Rs 10 to Rs 50 for 15 days. Railways has taken this step to stop the increasing rush in summer and to prevent wrongful chain pulling.
Railway Platform Ticket: Central Railway has temporarily increased the platform ticket rates from Rs 10 to Rs 50 from May 9 to 23 at some stations in Mumbai and neighboring cities. This decision has been taken to control the crowd at stations during summer season and to prevent misuse of alarm chain pulling.
It has been proposed to increase the platform ticket price at Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus, Dadar station and Mumbai’s Lokmanya Tilak Terminus as well as neighboring Thane, Kalyan and Panvel stations for 15 days from Monday as a temporary measure.
Last month, a total of 332 cases of alarm chain pulling were reported in Mumbai division. Out of these, 53 cases were registered on the basis of valid reasons, while in 279 cases there were no valid reasons.
The official said that 188 offenders have been prosecuted under the provisions of the Railways Act for pulling the alarm chain without sufficient or valid reasons and an amount of Rs 94,000 has been recovered as penalty.
Central Railway has appealed to passengers not to resort to alarm chain pulling for unnecessary and petty reasons, as it causes inconvenience to other passengers.