Indian Railways: Road under bridge construction work is being done between Deang-Suchan Kotli stations in Bathinda-Hisar railway section. Because of this, a traffic block of 06 hours is being taken from 23.35 to 05.35 on the coming Sunday, October 10. Rail traffic will be affected due to traffic block.
New Delhi. Road under bridge construction work is being done by North Western Railway between Deeeng-Suchan Kotli stations in Bathinda-Hisar section of Bikaner division. Because of this, a traffic block of 06 hours is being taken from 23.35 to 05.35 on the coming Sunday, October 10. Rail traffic will be affected due to traffic block. Due to this, the services of the special train operating between Tilakbridge and Sirsa will be especially affected.
According to Capt. Shashi Kiran, Chief Public Relations Officer, North Western Railway, the following services will be partially canceled due to under bridge construction work: –
1. Train number 04087, Tilakbridge-Sirsa special train service will leave from Tilakbridge on 10th October, Sunday, that train will operate till Hisar station. That is, this train service will be partially canceled between Hisar-Sirsa stations.
2. Train No. 04088, Sirsa-Tilakbridge Special train service will leave Hisar instead of Sirsa on 10 October 21, Sunday. That is, this train service will be partially canceled between Sirsa-Hisar stations.