Indian Railways IRCTC: By the way, on pulling the alarm handle/chain, the train slows down and stops in a few moments. But in most of the cases it has been seen that passengers use it without emergency or without any valid reason.
Indian Railways IRCTC: In addition to the chain, there is also an alarm in trains to stop trains suddenly in the middle of the journey. These can be seen in various new coaches of Indian Railways . It looks like a handle bar when pulled down. However, using them unnecessarily can land you in trouble while traveling. Anyone found guilty of suppressing or pulling a train alarm can be jailed.
These alarms of red color are fixed near the upper berth (upper seat) in the bogie. Above are alarms, while below is a message bar associated with it. The handle of this alarm has to be pulled to stop/stop the vehicle. According to the railways, “pulling of the handle without proper and sufficient cause is a punishment. The person who unnecessarily pulls this alarm handle can be punished with a fine of up to Rs 1000 and imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year.
By the way, there are many bogies of Indian Railways in which the traditional chain will also be available to stop the train. Railways provides the facility of this type of alarm system in view of the emergency situation. The train alarm handle/chain is connected to the main brake pipe of the train. There is air pressure between these pipes. According to the information, this system was made by George Westinghouse and the brake system of the train still works on the same model today.
When is chain pulling/alarm handle pulling valid?:
- When you lose your partner or a child while traveling.
- If the car catches on fire.
- When an elderly or disabled (previously disabled) person is taking time to board the train while the train starts running
- If someone’s health suddenly deteriorates in the bogie. For example, if there is a heart attack or something more serious happens.
- In the event of theft, theft or dacoity.
However, on pulling the alarm handle/chain, the train slows down and stops within a few moments. But in most of the cases it has been seen that passengers use it without emergency or without any valid reason. It has been found on most of the occasions that people pull it to board or alight the train, so as to help a relative or friend. They do this when they are late in reaching the station or where the train does not stop.