Tatkal Ticket Rules: If you have booked a ticket in Tatkal and its category is waiting, can you travel in the train. In case of non-travelling, does the Railways refund the money to you? There is an important rule of the railway about this, which you should know.
Can We Get Refund if have Waiting Ticket in Tatkal Quota: You must have traveled many times in trains. The booking window of seats in Indian Railways opens 4 months in advance i.e. you can book tickets for your destination 4 months in advance. Many times it also happens that suddenly we have to go somewhere by train. In such a situation, we take the help of Tatkal ticket. These are made a day before the Tatkal journey and their cost is also slightly higher than the normal ticket.
What if waiting ticket is not available in Tatkal quota?
While making tatkal tickets, you usually get confirmed seat (Tatkal Waiting Ticket Rules). If the seat is not confirmed then Tatkal ticket is not made. But many times, due to system glitches, waiting list tickets are issued even in Tatkal quota. According to the rules of the railway, traveling cannot be done through waiting ticket made in Tatkal quota. Many people believe that if a waiting ticket is made in the Tatkal quota, then apart from not getting the seat, the money will also not be returned, but this is not true. Today we are going to inform you about this rule related to Tatkal ticket of Indian Railways, knowing which many of your misconceptions will be removed.
Know this special rule of railway
According to the rules of Indian Railways, if you have Tatkal Waiting Ticket Rules, then you cannot travel in the train. When a waiting ticket is made in the Tatkal quota, that ticket is automatically canceled by the Railways. Despite this, if you have got a waiting ticket in the Tatkal quota due to a glitch in the system, then you cannot legally travel on it.
Railways deducts so much money
According to railway rules, if your Tatkal Waiting Ticket Rules have been made in Tatkal quota, then the railway refunds the remaining money after deducting the booking charge. This charge on waiting tickets is usually up to 10 percent of the total price. However, depending on the class of train and seat, its amount may be slightly less or more. If we talk about AC class, then at the time of refund up to Rs 100-150 is deducted as its booking charge.
Money comes directly to the account
The booking charge in sleeper class is less as compared to AC. If you have made online ticket, then this refund comes directly to your account and if you have made ticket from the counter, then you have to go to the counter for this.