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Kusum Scheme 2020 Online Application, Application Form | Kusum Yojana 2020 Rajasthan

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Kusum Yojana 2020:– As you all know, most of the population of India depends on agriculture. In view of this, the government has remade the Kusum scheme 2020. All of you will know that there is a miserable condition of farmers in India, sometimes there is drought in a state, the farmers are lacking in irrigation resources which spoils the crops and the farmer who takes the loan from the bank is unable to repay the loan, which is why the farmers commit suicide. , some farmers in the country commit suicide every day. In view of this problem and to address this problem, the government had announced the Kusum scheme by former finance Minister Arun Jaitley in the budget of 2019. For which a provision of Rs. 34,422 crore was made.

Kusum Scheme 2020 Application Online
Now, in the budget of 2020-21, the new finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman implemented the scheme. While presenting his budget, he said that 20 lakh farmers will be provided with solar panel facility and 15 lakh farmers will be given money for installation of grid connected solar pumps, whoever has additional power from these solar pumps, which will double the benefit of the farmers, the farmer can sell that power to the government and get additional income.

For installation of solar panels under Kusum Yojana (PM Kusum Yojana), 60% of the farmers will be given financial assistance from the central government and the bank will provide 30% loan assistance and only the farmer will have to pay 10%. The Kusum scheme will be beneficial for farmers where the state will be drought-hit and where there is a problem of electricity. Installation of solar plants will have 24 hours of electricity. The additional power from the solar panel can be sold to the government or non-government power departments from where the farmer can get 6000 rupees of 1 month.

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Interested beneficiaries if you want to avail of this scheme, read our article in full and if you are a farmer, make your application in the Kusum scheme and keep in mind that if you register yourself on another website, you can suffer, so please contact the Ministry of Renewable Energy for more information to register on the official website.

योजना का नामकुसुम योजना 2020
किसके द्वारा लांच की गयीपूर्व वित्त मंत्री अरुण जेटली
लाभार्थी देश के किसान
कैटेगरीकेंद्र सरकार योजना
उद्देश्यसौर सिंचाई पंप उपलब्ध कराना
आवेदन की प्रक्रिया ऑनलाइन
स्कीम का बजट 10000 करोड़
मंत्रालयकृषि एवं ऊर्जा मंत्रालय
स्कीम का समय अन्तराल10 साल
आधिकारिक वेबसाइटhttp://rreclmis.energy.rajasthan.gov.in/kusum.aspx
नोटिफिकेशनयहां क्लिक करें


Installation of solar panels will provide free electricity to farmers for irrigation.

Under the Kusum scheme, 3 crore pumps have been targeted to be run with solar energy instead of electricity, diesel by 2022.

Farmers will have to pay only 10 per cent in the scheme.

The solar panel of 1 MW capacity will generate about 11 lakh units of electricity throughout the year.

In this scheme, the government will take a loan of 45 thousand crore rupees from the bank, and the central government will contribute 48 thousand crore rupees, and the same contribution would be made by the State Government.

The pumps which are running with diesel or running with electricity will be allowed to run with solar energy so that diesel and electricity consumption is in small quantities.

Under this scheme, 17.5 lakh agricultural solar pumps will be provided.

If you are registered, the beneficiary will be commissioned in your land within 90 to 120 days.

What are the benefits of kusum scheme
Whatever solar panels are installed under the Kusum scheme, they will be planted in barren land so that barren land will also be used, and income from barren land will be received.

The scheme will provide income to the farmer.

Farmers can be prevented from committing suicide.

The farmers will have to pay only 10 ficentury, 60% of the government. 30% of the bank will provide share in the form of loan to farmers.

The Kusum scheme will give a greater boost to solar energy.

Will save electricity.

The solar panel will be electrified by the farmers and will be able to use that power in their homes also.

The scheme is giving farmers an opportunity to earn Rs. 80,000 per annum.

The scheme will not affect the environment as well. The scheme will save 27 million tonnes of carbon dioxide.

Farmers can also grow vegetables under the solar panel or also grow small crops.

The solar panel will produce additional electricity.

Kusum Scheme
There is a need to have Aadhaar card.

The beneficiary should be just a farmer.

Account should be mandatory in the bank.

Kusum Yojana 2020 Online Application Documents
Income Certificate

Permanent Certificate

Mobile Number

Description of Land

Aadhar Card

Passport Size Photo

Passbook of your account



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