New Delhi. Revenue Secretary Tarun Bajaj, along with senior officials of the Finance Ministry, on Thursday, along with Salil Parekh, MD and CEO of the country’s leading software services company Infosys, along with the new portal of the Income Tax Department (New IT Portal). ) meeting for performance review. Infosys has developed this portal.
So far, more than 3.5 crore Income Tax Returns (ITRs) have been filed through the portal for the financial year 2020-21. Initially, users had to face glitches in using the portal, following which the ministry had directed Infosys to resolve the issue immediately.
The ministry said in a statement that Bajaj held a review meeting with Parekh regarding the portal, in which other senior officials of the ministry were also present. According to information provided by Infosys, several steps have been taken including setting up of a ‘war room’ to monitor the performance of the portal and up-gradation of technical infrastructure. According to the statement, Infosys assured the ministry about its preparedness and said that taxpayers would be able to file income tax returns conveniently.
The last date for income tax return is near
The last date for filing ITR for the financial year 2020-21 is 31 December 2021.
Infosys got the contract in the year 2019
Infosys was awarded the contract in 2019 to develop the next generation income tax filing system. The objective behind this was to reduce the return scrutiny time from 63 days to one day and speed up the refund process.
New portal started on 7th June
The new income tax portal ( was launched with great enthusiasm on 7th June. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman held a meeting with Infosys officials on June 22 due to technical issues on the portal. Infosys has prepared this new website.