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Home World North Korea gets first big dose of Trump summit news

North Korea gets first big dose of Trump summit news

The news covered the front page of the ruling party’s newspaper and was the top — and only — item on the first news broadcast of the day on Korean Central Television, which for many North Koreans is the only channel available.

North Koreans have gotten their first news that their leader Kim Jong Un had arrived in Singapore for what even the state-run media was calling a historic meeting with US President Donald Trump.

The news covered the front page of the ruling party’s newspaper and was the top — and only — item on the first news broadcast of the day on Korean Central Television, which for many North Koreans is the only channel available.

People crowded around poster stands at subway stations in the capital to read the newspapers and gathered at noon in front of the city’s main train station to watch images a big screen display of Kim getting off of the special Air China flight.

The summit continues to be a highly sensitive topic in North Korea.

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