If your PAN card is also lost, then you can download your lost PAN card by adopting this method , today we are going to tell you how you will be able to download your PAN card only through PAN number.
What we mean by PAN card download is that youcan downloada copy of your PAN card i.e. E pan or say Electronic Pan Card .
If your ever created PAN card is lost and email ID is registered with mobile number in it, then now you can download that PAN card through your PAN card number only.
Some important things before downloading pan card.
- If you want to download PAN card then you must remember your PAN card number.
- Mobile number and email ID have been given in your PAN card at the time of application, that is to say, both mobile number and email ID should be linked in your PAN card, if either of the two is there then your work will be done.
- You must remember that whenever you applied for PAN card online, you did it from NSDL or from UTITSL.
- To download PAN card from PAN number, you have to pay ₹ 8 online.
If you have suitable things then you can easily download E-PAN card online.
How To Download E-pan card In Mobile, Â
If you want to download E-pan card in your mobile then it is necessary to have this application in your phone.
If this application is downloaded in your phone then you can download your PAN card in your phone with the help of this application.
How to download pan card with the help of application.
- When you open this application, a new page will open in front of you, you have to click on Start Now button.
- Now you have to select whether you created PAN card from Nsdl or from UTI
- In case of PAN card made from Nsdl, you have to select Nsdl and in case of PAN card made from Uti, you have to select UTI.
- Now many options will open in front of you, here you have to click on the option of PAN number to PAN card.
- You will have to enter your PAN card number, after which OTP will be sent to your mobile number, when you are verified through OTP, then you will have to pay Rs 8 online.
When your payment of ₹ 8 becomes sucessfull then you get a 16 digit acknowledgment number, by entering this acknowledgment number you will be able to download the copy of your PAN card.