If you find any discrepancy in your photograph or signature, you can follow these steps to change or update the photo and signature in PAN card. This work can be done online from your home from mobile or laptop.
PAN card is used as an essential document. It is a 10-digit alphanumeric code, which keeps information about one’s financial transactions. It is also used as an identity card, so it is important to have accurate information. If any mistake is found in your PAN card while taking credit card and loan, then you will not be able to get the loan. For this reason its information must be accurate. Especially your photo and signature should be absolutely correct.
If you find any discrepancy in your photograph or signature, you can follow these steps to change or update the photo and signature in PAN card. This work can be done online from your home from mobile or laptop. Let us know how we can make changes…
- First of all you go to the official website of NSDL.
- Now click on the application type option and select the option ‘Change or Correction’ in the PAN Data option.
- Now select the Personal option in the menu category.
- After that, fill all the required information and click on submit.
- Now proceed to the PAN application itself and select the option of KYC.
- After this, the option of ‘Photo Mismatch’ and ‘Signature Mismatch’ will appear in front of you..
- Here you click on the photo mismatch option to change the photo and select the signature mismatch option to change the signature.
- Now after filling the details of the parents, click on the Next button.
- After filling all the information, the applicant has to attach identity proof, address proof and birth certificate.
- After that tick on Declaration and click on submit button.
Please note that the application fee for change of photo and signature is Rs 101 (inclusive of GST) for India and Rs 1011 (inclusive of GST) for address outside India. After completing the process an acknowledgment number of 15 digits will be received. After this, the printout of the application has to be sent to the Income Tax PAN Service Unit. So that the application can be tracked with the acknowledgment number and necessary information can be seen. Through this process, you can make changes in your photo and signature in your PAN card.