In the Henley Passport Index Global Ranking 2021 of the year 2021, Japan’s passport has been described as the world’s most powerful passport. America occupies the seventh place in the list of this passport. India is ranked 85th in the passport list.
Having the world’s most powerful passport brings many benefits to any country. However, upon hearing the word powerful, America is the first thing that comes to mind. But this title of being the most powerful passport is not with America but with Japan. In the Henley and Partners Passport Index Global Ranking 2021 for the year 2021, Japan’s passport has been described as the world’s most powerful passport. America is at seventh place in the list of this passport. At the same time, China has got 70th place in the list of this passport, while Pakistan is at number four from the bottom of this list.
What is India’s ranking in the powerful passport list?
India’s passport is ranked 85th in the Henley Passport Index. There are 58 countries in the world that allow Indian passport holders to enter without any prior visa. There is also Tajikistan jointly with India at this place. Let us tell you that in the year 2020, India was ranked 84th in the list, while this year India has slipped one place to the 85th rank. However, even in the year 2020, 58 countries of the world used to give entry to Indian citizens without prior visa.
See here the list of top 10 passport countries
1. Japan
3. Germany, South Korea
4. Finland, Italy, Luxembourg, Spain
5. Austria, Denmark
6. France, Ireland, Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden
7. Belgium, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States
8. Australia, Czech Republic, Greece, Malta
9. Canada
10. Hungary
How is the strength of passport determined?
The strength or ranking of the passport of any country is done on the basis of how many countries its holders can travel without taking a visa beforehand. If you understand its simple meaning, then it is that how many countries give the facility of Visa on Arrival to the citizens of the respective country. Actually, Visa on Arrival is mostly given to friendly countries, that is, countries with good relations and the citizens of that country do not feel any kind of threat. Let us tell you that its data is provided by the International Air Transport Association (IATA).