PM Kisan 19th Installment: The central government had released the 18th installment of PM Kisan Yojana in the accounts of farmers on 5 October. Now crores of farmers are waiting for the 19th installment. Let us know when the amount of the 19th installment will come in the account of the farmers and what is necessary to do to get the benefit of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana.
PM Kisan 19th Installment: PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana is an important financial means to meet the fertilizer and water needs of millions of farmers of the country. Through this, the government gives a total of 6 thousand rupees to the farmers in three installments i.e. 2-2 thousand rupees in each installment. So far more than 13 crore farmers of the country have taken advantage of this scheme. So far 18 installments of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi have been released. Let us know when the 19th installment will continue and how you can check your name in the list of beneficiaries.
Instalment is released every four months
The installment of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi is released by the Modi government every four months. The 18th installment of this scheme was released on 5 October 2024. This means that the 19th installment of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi can be released in February 2025. 13 crore farmers of the country will get the benefit of this scheme. However, the government has not yet made any official announcement regarding the release of the 19th installment of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi.
These farmers will not get the benefit
The government had asked the farmers to get e-KYC done for the account of PM Kisan Yojana. But, many farmers have not yet done e-KYC. The money for the next installment of farmers who do not get e-KYC done before the next installment may get stuck. In such a situation, you should get e-KYC done as soon as possible. With this, you will not have any problem in getting the 19th installment of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi.
Farmers can get e-KYC done in three ways.
- OTP based eKYC
- Biometric based eKYC
- Face authentication based eKYC
How to check name in beneficiary list
The government releases a list of beneficiary farmers. This tells which farmers will get the benefit of the scheme. Process to check name in beneficiary list:
- Go to the official website of PM Kisan (
- Select the option of “Beneficiary Status” here.
- Enter your Aadhaar number or bank account number.
- Now select “Get Data”.
- After this, all your details will be shown on the screen. Through these details, you can check whether you will get the benefit of the scheme or not.
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