PM Kisan Samman Nidhi 2021: The 10th installment of PM Kisan is about to come. Now it is very important for you to know whether money is coming in your account or not. You can easily check your status by following the steps mentioned here.
New Delhi: PM Kisan Samman Nidhi: Under PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana, the 10th installment (PM Kisan 10th Installment) is coming soon in the account of farmers. Agriculture Ministry can transfer money to farmers’ account on December 15. In such a situation, it is very important for you to know whether money is coming in your account or not. You can easily check your status by following the steps mentioned here.
Is this status showing in your account?
If ‘FTO is Generated and Payment confirmation is pending’ is being written in your status, then it means that the government has confirmed the information given by you. That is, now soon the money will be transferred to your account.
Is this not written on your status somewhere?
If ‘Rft Signed by State Government’ is being written in your status then it means ‘Request For Transfer.’ That is, the information given by you has been checked. Now it has been transferred for the future. That is, for a while, but the 10th installment i.e. an installment of Rs 2,000 will definitely come in your account.
How money is transferred
- Under PM Kisan Yojana, farmers have to apply online.
- After this, the state government verifies your revenue record, Aadhaar number and bank account number to that application.
- Until the state government verifies your account, the money does not come.
- As soon as the state government verifies the account, then your FTO is generated.
- That is, after this your application becomes acceptable.
- Then the central government transfers money to the account.