Under the Prime Minister Kisan Samman Nidhi Scheme, the Modi government gives 6000 rupees every year to the farmers. This money is transferred to the accounts of farmers in three installments of Rs 2 thousand each. Soon the 10th installment will be sent to the eligible farmers’ account.Â
PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Scheme: Under the Prime Minister Kisan Samman Nidhi Scheme , the Modi government gives 6000 rupees to the farmers every year. This money is transferred to the accounts of farmers in three installments of Rs 2 thousand each. Soon the 10th installment will be sent to the eligible farmers’ account. But there is a question in people’s mind regarding the eligibility of the scheme, one of them is whether both husband and wife can take benefit of the scheme. Let’s know…
According to the rules of PM Kisan Yojana, only one member of the husband or wife in the family can get the benefit of the scheme. If both husband and wife have applied for the scheme and till now both are getting the assistance amount from the scheme, then they will have to return the installment money received under the scheme to the government. At the same time, those people who pay income tax will not be eligible for this scheme. Only small and marginal farmers can apply.
Apart from this, the field should be in the name of the farmer only. If a farmer does farming but the field is not in his name but in the name of his father or grandfather, then he will not get the benefit. Even if there is non-agriculture activity on the agricultural land, the benefit will not be available. If the farmer or his family has or was in any constitutional post, then that farmer family will not get the benefit. Retired pensioners who get monthly pension of more than Rs 10 thousand are also not eligible for this scheme. Apart from this, there are many criteria, which you can check on the official website.
Benefits of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Scheme
Let us tell you, under the PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana, an amount of 6 thousand rupees is transferred every year to the eligible farmers in their bank account in three equal installments of 2-2 thousand. This transfer is done through DBT.