Under PM Kisan Samman nidhi Yojana, till now financial assistance has been sent to the farmers through 5 installments of 2000-2000 rupees. Now the sixth installment will start coming under this scheme.
Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana has been started to provide financial assistance to farmers. Under this scheme, financial assistance of Rs 2,000 is being provided to crores of farmers of the country. To get the benefit of this scheme, submission of correct documents is mandatory. Under PM Kisan Samman nidhi Yojana, till now financial assistance has been sent to the farmers through 5 installments of 2000-2000 rupees. Now the sixth installment will start under this scheme. The direct benefit of which will reach about 10 crore farmers. An incorrect information given by you may deprive you of the benefits of this scheme. So check your status.
According to the new rules of the central government, now every year the Prime Minister Kisan Samman Nidhi scheme will be monitored, under which a team will survey all the beneficiaries. Under this scheme, the government provides an amount of Rs 6,000 every year to small and marginal farmers of the country. In February last year, this scheme was launched by the central government to provide financial help to the farmers. All information is available on the official website pmkisan.gov.in. You can check the complete details and latest updates by visiting the official website.
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If you have applied to take advantage of this scheme, then you can check your name and other records through very simple means. To make the Prime Minister Kisan Samman Nidhi scheme transparent, the Modi government has now provided this facility online as well. You can check your record online. Now, if the farmer has revenue records, Aadhaar card, mobile number and bank account number, then he can easily register himself by going to the Farmers Corner of the government website pmkisan.gov.in.
How to do this
registration, for this you will first have to go to the PM Farmer’s official website pmkisan.gov.in. After which there will be an option called Farmers Corner. In the drop down list, you will see the option of New Farmer Registration. Click on the New Farmer Registration link. Now a new page will open in front of you, in which you will have to enter the Aadhaar number and the information sought. After entering the process by entering the Aadhaar number, you will have to enter basic personal information. Like the details of the land registered in your name etc. After entering all the requested information, you click on submit. Through PM Farmer’s website, you can update your information even after registration. This gives you an opportunity to rectify any kind of mistake. The form avoids being rejected.
See your name like this, to see your name
first go to the official website pmkisan.gov.in. After the website is open, look at the menu and go to ‘Farmer’s Corner’. Click on the link to check the ‘Beneficiary List’. After that fill the information sought by your state, district, sub-district, block etc. After this you have to click on Get Report. You will get information as soon as you click. The names of the farmers who will get the benefit of this scheme can also be seen according to the state / district wise / tehsil / village. Farmers can also easily see their status information.