Prime Minister Modi will flag off 11 Vande Bharat trains from Tatanagar station on September 15. These include Tata-Patna, Tata-Brahmapur and Rourkela-Howrah routes. On the day of the program, the Prime Minister will stay at Tatanagar station for about 60 minutes. During this time he will also interact with the children of Kendriya Vidyalaya. In this news, detailed information has been given about the routes of the trains, the Prime Minister’s program and the preparations of the railway.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will flag off 11 Vande Bharat trains including Tata-Patna on September 15 by remote. General Manager of South Eastern Railway Anil Kumar Mishra reached Tatanagar station on Tuesday morning to take stock of the preparations by his special train. During this, he gave this information while talking to journalists.
The General Manager told that South Eastern Railway has got three Vande Bharat trains, in which apart from Tata-Patna and Tata-Brahmapur, there is Rourkela-Howrah which will run through Tatanagar. During the inspection, the Railway General Manager gave necessary instructions to make alternative arrangements for the passengers coming to and going from the station between 11th and 15th September, to give final room for preparations and other necessary guidelines. During this, the Chief Principal Operating Manager of the zone, Principal Chief Commercial Manager, DRM of Chakradharpur division Arun J Rathore, Senior DCM Aditya Chaudhary, ARM Abhishek Singhal of Tatanagar and other senior railway officials were present.
The Prime Minister will stay at the station for 60 minutes
On the day of the program, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will stay at Tatanagar station for about 60 minutes. During this, he will also interact with the children of Kendriya Vidyalaya. At 10:30 am, he will flag off the Tata-Patna Vande Bharat Express from platform number-1. After this, he will address the city residents from the stage built in the parking of the station.
The OSD of the Railway Minister also reached Tatanagar, took stock of the preparations
Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnav will reach Tatanagar station on the evening of 14th September. Earlier, his Officer of Special Duty (OSD) Ved Prakash also reached Tatanagar station at around 1.30 pm on Tuesday. During this, he discussed the preparations for the Prime Minister’s program with senior railway officials including General Manager, DRM in the station director’s office room. Apart from this, Railway Board officials have also reached Tatanagar station.
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The Prime Minister will flag off Vande Bharat on this route
- Tatanagar-Patna
- Brahmapur-Tatanagar
- Rourkela-Howrah
- Deoghar-Varanasi
- Nagpur-Secunderabad
- Agra Cantt-Banaras
- Raipur-Visakhapatnam
- Gaya-Howrah
- Bhagalpur-Howrah
- Pune-Hubli
- Varanasi-Deoghar
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