If you also want to make a big amount through small earnings, want your money to be safe too, then the post office is giving you a special opportunity.
By investing Rs 95 in this scheme daily, you can earn Rs 14 lakh. The name of this scheme is Gram Sumangal Rural Postal Life Insurance. This policy is very beneficial for those people who need money from time to time. So let’s know about this scheme-
Let us tell you that the Gram Sumangal scheme is for 15 and 20 years. In this, money back is available three times before maturity. Gram Sumangal Yojana provides a maximum amount of Rs.10 lakhs. If a person is still alive after the maturity of the policy, then he also gets the benefit of money back. In case of death of an individual, the policy holders are given the Sum Assured as well as the Bonus Sum Assured.
The benefit of this scheme is any Indian citizen whose age should be at least 19 years and any Indian citizen up to maximum 45 years can buy this scheme. The policy can be taken for 15 years or 20 years. The maximum age limit for taking the policy for 20 years has been fixed at 40 years. In this, the maximum sum assured is available up to Rs 20 lakh.
Suppose a person is 25 years old and he buys a sum assured policy for 7 years. So his annual premium will come to Rs 32,735. The quarterly premium will come to Rs 16,715 and the quarterly premium will be Rs 8449. In this way the person will have to pay Rs 2853 every month. That means around Rs 95 will have to be paid as premium every day. This policy will be for 20 years. You are given Rs 1.4-1.4 lakh as money back in 8th, 12th and 16th year at the rate of 20-20 percent. As soon as 20 years are completed.
Talking about bonus, in this scheme, a bonus of Rs 48 per thousand is available every year. The bonus of Sum Assured of Rs 7 lakh was Rs 33,600 in a year. For 20 years, this amount became Rs 6.72 lakh. In the 20th year, you will also get the remaining 2.8 lakh rupees. Adding up all the money, you get a total of Rs 19.72 lakh in 20 years.