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Home Personal Finance PPF Investment: Deposit 1 lakh rupees annually in PPF, you will get...

PPF Investment: Deposit 1 lakh rupees annually in PPF, you will get this much amount on maturity after 15 years, understand the calculation

PPF Investment: Deposit 1 lakh rupees annually in PPF, you will get this much amount on maturity after 15 years, understand the calculation

PPF Investment: Public Provident Fund (PPF) is a government scheme, due to which it is safe and you get the benefit of fixed interest on whatever amount you are investing in it.

PPF Investment: Investors are nervous due to the decline in the stock market of India. This decline in the stock market is also affecting the Mutual Fund investors, instead of profit, many funds are performing in negative. That is, the money invested in them has decreased instead of increasing. Seeing the condition of the market, many investors want to invest their money in a safe investment.

If you also want to stay away from the risk of the stock market and are looking for such a safe investment, in which you get fixed return along with security, then PPF (Public Provident Fund) can be a good option for you.

Benefit of fixed interest in PPF

Public Provident Fund (PPF) is a government scheme, due to which it is safe and you get the benefit of fixed interest on whatever amount you are investing in it. This scheme is quite popular among investors who do not want to take much risk. By investing in this scheme, you can also save your tax (Tax Saving Scheme).

What is the maximum investment you can make in a year?

Currently, Public Provident Fund (PPF) is getting an annual interest of 7.1 percent. You can open your PPF account by going to any bank or post office in the country. Under this government scheme, a minimum of Rs 500 and a maximum of Rs 1.5 lakh can be invested annually (PPF investment). You can also invest in this scheme as per your convenience in lump sum investment or in installments.

You will get this much amount on maturity

The Public Provident Fund (PPF) scheme matures in 15 years. If you invest Rs 1 lakh every year in this scheme, then on maturity (PPF Maturity Amount 2025), you will get a total of Rs 27,12,139 with guarantee as per the current interest rate. This amount includes fixed interest of Rs 12,12,139 in addition to the Rs 15 lakh invested by you in 15 years.

Every citizen of the country can take advantage of this government scheme. Let us tell you that you can also start investing in PPF in the name of your minor child. But remember that there can be only one PPF account in the name of a person.

PPF can be extended

If you want, you can also get PPF extended. To extend this scheme, you have to apply one year before it matures. Let us tell you that PPF account is extended in blocks of 5 years each and you can get extension in PPF any number of times.

Benefit of EEE on this scheme

PPF scheme comes under EEE (Exempt-Exempt-Exempt) category. That is, tax benefit is available on the investment made in PPF, the interest received on it and the maturity amount. You can also invest in this scheme to reduce your tax liability.

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