New Delhi, Online Desk. Railway Recruitment: Indian Railways is not only one of the largest railway operating systems in the world but its recruitment processes also set a record in the world. 47,45,176 applications received against the total of 64,371 advertised posts of Assistant Loco Pilot (ALP) and Technicians through Central Employment Notification (CEN) No 01/2018 by Railway Recruitment Board under Ministry of Railways and then 56,378 candidates based on the selection process Approval has been given for recruitment and appointment letters have been issued to 40,420 candidates. Out of these newly recruited candidates, training of 19,120 will be started soon after getting relief from the ongoing measures for prevention of Kovid-19. The training process will run for 17 weeks for ALP and 06 months for technicians. After training, they will be appointed in the railway in a phased manner.
The current status of ALP and Technician Recruitment 2018 along with the above data has been clarified by the official release issued yesterday by the Ministry of Railways on 18 June 2020. According to the release, the notification was issued by the Railway Recruitment Board for a total of 64,371 posts of Assistant Loco Pilots and Technicians in January 2018 and the application process lasted from 3 February to 31 March 2018.
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This is the status of pending recruitment procedures of Railways
The Railway Ministry informed through the 2018 recruitment status as well as the release that a total of more than 1.25 crore (1,26,30,885) against the 35,208 non-technical popular category (Undergraduate and Graduate) advertised in RRB NTPC Recruitment 2019. ) Applications have been received by the board. The recruitment process of these posts is stalled due to Kovid-19 and meanwhile a viable strategy is being worked out by the Recruitment Board for the determination of the procedures.
The information for RRB NTPC Recruitment 2019 will be provided by the Railways to the candidates officially through websites and personal SMS and email. Till then, the Railways have appealed to all the candidates to rely only on the information of the official mediums of the Railways and not to be confused with the false propaganda and rumors being circulated on social media.