Indian Railways keeps making many efforts to provide better facilities to its passengers and employees. In this series, on Thursday, Railways launched three modules under the Digital Online Human Resource Management System (HRMS) for its existing and retired employees. Under HRMS, employees and pensioners will be able to complete many tasks online, including checking their Provident Fund (PF) balance and applying for PF advance.
These are the three modules. The three modules
under HRMS are Employee Self Service (ESS), Provident Fund Advance and Settlement Module. In this context, the Railway Ministry issued a statement saying that the project will help in increasing the productivity and also the satisfaction of the employees. Vinod Kumar Yadav, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Railway Board, has launched the HRMS module and user depot through video conferencing for employees and pensioners.
Such benefits will
result in improvement in efficiency and productivity of the railway system. This is a step towards realizing Prime Minister Modi’s vision of making India a digitally empowered society. The Employee Self-Service (ESS) module enables railway employees to interact with various modules of HRMS, including communication about changing data. Through the Provident Fund (PF) Advance Module, railway employees will be able to see their PF balance and can apply online for PF Advance. All the payment process of employees retiring from the settlement module has gone digital.