New Delhi, Tech Desk. Xiaomi sub-brand Redmi launched the Redmi Note 9 smartphone in the global market in April this year. It has been discussed for the past several days that the company is now going to launch this smartphone in India soon. Recently, a report has revealed that this smartphone can be launched in India on 20 July. However, the company has not yet given any information about the launch of this smartphone in India. However, a teaser has been released in which Redmi Note 9 is definitely indicated.
A post has been shared on the Twitter account of Redmi India and information has been given in this post that a new smartphone will soon be included in the Redmi family in India. An event page linked to the upcoming smartphone has also been released where the championship belt is seen in the hands of an athlete and also written as Coming Soon. It is clear that users will not have to wait much for the new smartphone of Redmi. The company has not disclosed the name of the phone but through leaks, it can be guessed that this smartphone may be Redmi Note 9, which has been reported for a long time.
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Specifications of Redmi Note 9
Redmi Note 9 was launched in the global market in April and its initial price is $ 199 i.e. around Rs 14,900. This smartphone works on the MediaTek Helio G85 processor and has a 6.53-inch full HD + IPS display. The phone has a quad rear camera setup of 48MP + 8MP + 2MP + 2MP. While the front camera is 13MP. It has a 5,020mAh battery for power backup.