The police is cluttering against Sushant Singh Rajput’s girlfriend Riya Chakraborty. The late actor’s father KK Singh had filed a case against the actress on the previous day. After which 4 officers of Patna Police reached Mumbai for questioning the actress. According to the news, when the Patna Police officials arrived at the house of actress Riya Chakraborty in Mumbai, the actress was found missing from there. However, now the Bihar Police has something else to say in this matter. Bihar Police has rejected those things in which it is said that Riya has escaped from her house.
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According to the Mid-Day Report, Bihar SP Vinay Tiwari said, “There is nothing like that.” We are not looking for Riya at this time. Initial investigation is going on. All those simple facts of the case are being understood and we will take some action only after the completion of this entire process. Whenever Riya is required, we will contact them. However, the news that Riya has just disappeared from her home is nothing like this. He also told that the investigation being done by Bihar Police is independent of Mumbai Police. Taking this matter seriously, Mumbai Police has also said to give full cooperation
Let me tell you that the film ‘Jalebi’ actress Riya was in a relationship with the actor for the last one year. In case of case, a case has been registered against Riya under various sections of IPC, including sections 341, 342, 380, 406, 420 and 306. KK Singh has accused the actress that she befriended her son in May 2019 last year and used her contacts to move forward in her career. He has also alleged that Riya was assisted by her family as they were looking at her property. KK Singh wants the police to investigate where the Rs 15 crore deposited in the bank account kept by the actor has been transferred. It has also been alleged that the actress denied any member of Sushant’s family to live with the actor.
In the meantime, the actress has started the process of anticipatory bail by hiring a lawyer. Riya Chakraborty has hired lawyer Satish Manshinde for this case. Let us tell you that lawyer Manashinde is included in the list of the most expensive lawyers in the country. According to the reports, Satish Manshinde charges a hefty amount to save his client in court. It is said that lawyer Manshinde charges fees of Rs 10 lakh per day.