SBI (State Bank of India) customers have been having trouble with the online service since Tuesday morning. The country’s largest bank has said that connectivity problems have affected all online banking services. However, ATM and POS machines are working properly. SBI has assured customers that services will be restored soon. Meanwhile, customers using the SBI YONO App may also face problems as the app will be shut down for some time today due to maintenance. The bank has apologized to the customers for the inconvenience and appealed to them to be courageous. Earlier on October 10, State Bank of India had informed its customers that the SBI Yono app would be closed on October 11 and October 13 from 12 noon to 4 pm due to maintenance.
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Meanwhile, customers have started reacting on social media platforms. Most of the people say that they have been facing such problem for the last few days and they have been trying to contact the bank but failed.