Xiaomi is often dubbed as the “budget king” in the smartphone market and no one really expects Xiaomi to come up with a smartphone that can cost as much as Rs 2.5 lakh in India. But in a new twist, the company just showcased the Mi Mix Alpha which is Xiaomi’s next ‘groundbreaking’ smartphone. The Mi Mix Alpha is still a concept phone which is yet to hit mass production. Also, if the device is ever launched in India, Xiaomi says it may cost around Rs 2.5 lakh.
The Mi Mix Alpha is an attempt to make the smartphone all about the display. The device comes with a flexible wrap around display and due to technical constraints, there is a ceramic strip at the back to hold the 108MP camera sensors and antenas. Xiaomi wants to put across a subtle message that it can innovate too and that future smartphones may look like the Mi Mix Alpha. So, here’s how Xiaomi’s Rs 2.5 lakh concept phone looks.
The Mi Mix Alpha flaunts a screen-to-body ratio of 180.8%. The flexible plastic display extends to the back side of the device where it meets the vertical camera module. The display measures 7.92-inches.
Xiaomi Mi Mix Alpha has titanium alloy frame with a ceramic back strip covered by sapphire glass
Xiaomi Mi Mix Alpha has triple cameras with a 108MP primary sensor
The Mi Mix Alpha has a primary sensor of 108MP 1/1.33 sensor with F1.69 aperture, OIS and auto focus. The secondary sensors include 20MP ultra-wide sensor with 1.5cm macro support and 12MP telephoto lens.
There is no selfie camera in Mi Mix Alpha. Just turn the device to click selfies in 108MP resolution
Mi Mix Alpha is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 855+ processor with 12GB of RAM
There are no physical buttons apart from the power button in the Mi Mix Alpha
As the device is all about the display, Xiaomi is using its custom UI to place the volume button icons as deemed fit during usage. There is only one physical button on the top of the phone which is the power button.
The Mi Mix can run customised apps on the rear display screen
Xiaomi Mi Mix Alpha supports 40W wired fast charging. Support for wireless charging is not possible
There is no earpiece on the Phone. The Mi Mix uses display acoustic tech to emit sound
Xiaomi has no immediate plans to launch the Mi Mix Alpha in India