Indian Railways has announced to run the first train between Katra and Srinagar, this will be Vande Bharat Express. This is such a train in which the minus temperature outside will not make any difference inside. Passengers will keep feeling warm.
Winter is at its peak in North India. People are getting troubled by the cold. Traveling by train is becoming even more painful. In such a situation, the situation becomes even worse on hearing the name of Kashmir, but soon the passengers traveling by train in minus temperature there will feel the heat. Indian Railways has announced the first train to run between Katra and Srinagar. Let’s know which train will it be?
Indian Railways is going to run the first train Vande Bharat Express in Srinagar valley. This is such a train in which the minus temperature outside will not make any difference inside. Passengers will keep feeling warm. Due to the specialty of this train, it has been decided to run it in Srinagar valley.
Special in train for valley
Heating system: The train is fitted with silicon heating pads, which will not allow water tanks and bio-toilet tanks to freeze, and is also equipped with overheat protection sensor protection. Water will not freeze after the train runs in minus temperature. Heaters are fitted in the toilets, so that passengers will keep getting warm air. The auto-draining mechanism system installed in the train has draining systems installed in the plumbing lines, so that water will not freeze.
The loco pilot will not face any problem in snowfall
Heating elements are embedded in the windshield. Heating elements are fitted in the front lookout glass for defrosting, which will keep the visibility clear in heavy snowfall. The loco pilot will be able to see for a long time.
CRS clearance this week
According to senior officials of the Railway Ministry, the Srinagar Katra railway route is ready. Trial has also started in it. After the completion of the trial, the movement of trains will start. The CRS clearance of this new route is also expected to be completed within a week.
A look at the rail section
The 111 km long Katra-Banihal rail section has been completed to connect Srinagar to the entire country by rail. Trains are already running from Banihal to Baramulla. Tunnel T33 in Reasi has been completed. Now Katra is connected to Srinagar by rail. Railways is going to start trial on this track. After the completion of the trial, trains will start running from Vaishno Devi Katra to Srinagar.