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Home Education WBBSE WB Board 10th Result 2023: West Bengal Class X results will...

WBBSE WB Board 10th Result 2023: West Bengal Class X results will be released tomorrow


WBBSE WB Board 10th Result 2023: West Bengal Board of Secondary Education (WBBSE) will release the class 10th result on May 19 at 10 am. As soon as the result is declared, the scorecard can be checked through the roll number on the official website of WBBSE, wbbse.org, wbbse.wb.gov.in or wb.allresults.nic.in, wbresults.nic.in.

Let us tell you that according to the official notification, West Bengal Madhyamik Board, i.e. WB 10th Results will be released through the press conference and the link to release the result will be activated by 12 o’clock. The president of the board will check the results.

Apart from this, the result will also be able to check on the Live Hindustan website livehindustan.com/board result page. The West Bengal Board Secondary Exam was conducted from February 23 to March 4 between 12:45 PM to 3 PM. A total of 6,98,628 students had registered for the class 10th examinations.

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