WhatsApp New Feature Update: With the help of the new feature, users will be able to share one-minute videos in status updates. Till now the company was giving the option to share only 30 second videos in status updates. WABetaInfo gave information about this new feature in WhatsApp by posting X. Let us know the details.
WhatsApp is working on many new features these days. In the last few days, the company has rolled out many new features. In this series, the company has now brought the most powerful feature for status updates. With the help of the new feature, users will also be able to share a one-minute video in the status update. Till now the company was giving the option to share only 30 second videos in status updates. WABetaInfo gave information about this new feature in WhatsApp by posting X. In this post, WABetaInfo has also shared a screenshot of this new feature of WhatsApp.
📝 WhatsApp beta for Android what’s new?
WhatsApp is rolling out a feature to share videos of up to 1 minute in length via status updates, and it’s available to some beta testers! Some users may get the same feature with the previous update.https://t.co/jtNAqaAb8n pic.twitter.com/fHOidmCPRO
— WABetaInfo (@WABetaInfo) March 19, 2024
According to the report, the company is rolling out this new feature for beta users. If you are a beta user, then you can check this update in WhatsApp Beta for Android The company has just released this feature for some beta users only. This new feature has been brought in view of the huge demand from users. Users had been demanding the option to share long videos in status updates for a long time. It is expected that after the completion of beta testing, its stable version will be rolled out for global users.
New feature to scan QR code
A new feature of scanning QR code for UPI payment is coming in WhatsApp. According to WABetaInfo, the company is beta testing this feature. The new feature gives users the option to scan the QR code in the chat list itself. For this, a new icon will be found next to the camera icon at the top of the chat list screen. WABetaInfo has also shared a screenshot of this in its post. The company is rolling out this feature in WhatsApp Beta for Android The company will soon complete the beta testing of this feature and its stable version will be rolled out for global users.
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